The Big Picture

The Little Gym Blog

Incredible brain development occurs during the first five years of life and early childhood experiences build foundations for future learning. It is important to start socialisation with other children at a young age. Social interaction helps young children to start to develop their sense of self and start to learn what others expect from them.

By playing with other children, kids learn skills that stick with them through their whole life. Young children are egocentric by nature. Encouraging them to interact with other kids helps them to naturally come out of this mindset.

With a curriculum that challenges kids intellectually, builds self-confidence and self-control, The Little Gym helps kids learn the importance of discipline and makes them mindful of consequences of their behaviour. Sharing, setting boundaries, and problem solving are skills that come from socialising and interacting. Children learn to have empathy for other people; recognize when their friends are sad or happy or even upset. Kids start to use these skills at home with their parents, siblings, or even pets.

When children socialise with others, they become accepting of everyone and learn to include everyone in their play.

Building problem solving, and reasoning skills are part of the socialisation process. When children meet other children/peers, they communicate on different levels and, as a result, learn not to give up when confronting difficulties: they become adept at developing strategies for solving life’s problems, be it academic or social.

When a child spends time alone, they are used to being the centre of attention and having everything for themselves. But by being around other children, they learn that other people have needs and desires and that they need to share and take turns. They learn to share space, toys, equipment, and an adult’s attention.

The exposure to a range of words and language leaves a mark on a child’s mind which helps build their vocabulary and gives them a solid foundation for further development of their language skills. The more your child communicates with others, their verbal skills keep getting better.

Laying the foundation for socialisation and problem solving is therefore crucial at a young age. Socialisation for children is another factor that benefits their development in their early years.

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